How to Talk to Your Kids About Racism and Protests

2020-06-02 44

How to Talk to Your Kids
About Racism and Protests With many children still sheltering-in-
place amid the COVID-19 pandemic, it's likely they'll be exposed to the
current protests in response to the death
of George Floyd, racism and police brutality. California pediatrician
Dr. Rhea Boyd California pediatrician
Dr. Rhea Boyd Here are ways you can help them
to understand and cope. 1. Take care of
yourself first Dr. Nia Heard-Garris 2. If you have a toddler, read,
listen or watch the news
when they aren't around Even though they don't understand what is
happening, they can pick up on the "fear, urgency
or anger in people's voices and behaviors." 3. If you have elementary-age children,
ask them what they've seen or heard
and how it makes them feel California pediatrician
Dr. Rhea Boyd 4. If you have tweens or teens,
try asking them about the injustices
they've seen or experienced in their own daily lives Dr. Jenny Radesky