Over 4,000 Protesters Have Been Arrested Nationwide as Demonstrations Rage on

2020-06-01 3

Over 4,000 Protesters
Have Been Arrested Nationwide
as Demonstrations Rage on Since video emerged last week of
George Floyd dying at the hands
of Minneapolis police, peaceful protests across the country continue
to be shrouded in violence, looting and vandalism
resulting in at least 4,400 arrests. On Sunday night, Minneapolis Police Chief
Medaria Arradondo apologized to Floyd's family,
calling what happened a "violation of humanity." Minneapolis Police Chief
Medaria Arradondo Two Atlanta officers have been fired
for using unnecessary excessive
force against protesters. Two people have been confirmed dead
in Davenport, Iowa, and one person has been
killed near Louisville, Kentucky, as a result
of confrontations with law enforcement. President Donald Trump, who was reportedly
moved to an underground White House bunker
for a brief period of time Friday night, announced on Sunday that
he blames ANTIFA for the
violence amid the protests.

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