Meet Salmiati, a 40-year-old woman from Padang City in Indonesia's West Sumatra province.
Salmiati divides her time as a wife, mother of two children, and looking after over 100 street cats she has taken in off the streets, creating a shelter for the animals.
Footage recorded on June 1, shows inside the cat shelter and Salmiati rescue one cat from huge mounds of garbage, placing the animal into a basket attached to her motorcycle.
"Every day I treat these cats as my own children. In one day I have to prepare two kilograms of fish mixed with two kilograms of cat food for them to eat," Salmiati said.
To carry out her mission, Salmiati looks for abandoned cats by visiting places such as landfills or markets where homeless cats roam.
"It's a pity to see abandoned cats, so I take them home. In a day, sometimes I can save three to five cats," she said.
Salmiati has been carrying out this noble mission for a year and she now receives private funds and donations to help cover the cost of food and medicines.