Filipino man has spent lockdown collecting plastic pollution from the sea

2020-06-01 23

A man in the Philippines spent the coronavirus lockdown collecting plastic pollution from the ocean.

Jemar Sobrio, 35, from Mocaboc Island, Bohol province, started to do the coastal cleanup alone to pass the time while unable to work because of the pandemic.

On the first day, he was able to collect five sacks of assorted garbage which was mostly plastic trash.

He said: "Our neighbours asked to help me after consecutive days of coming home with heavy sacks of garbage. We live a few meters away from the sea so I let them come with me."

Jemar's neighbour's children also started picking up trash on the coast when they saw the adults cleaning up.

Footage taken on May 25 shows Jemar with a neighbour further in the sea diving for the trash while the children were cleaning the beach.

With everyone's help, Jemar is now able to rid the beach of more than 20 sacks of plastic pollution each day.

He said: "I will continue this advocacy until the island becomes garbage-free and regain its beauty. I am also hoping that someone will notice me and support me to continue this course."

The Bohol province has been placed under a more relaxed community quarantine the entire month of May which permits locals to go out as long as they follow social distancing measures.