Protests over Floyd's death spread to over 140 major U.S. cities

2020-06-16 8

엿새째 미 시위 140개 도시 확산•통금만 40곳…軍 5천명 투입

Violence has erupted in cities across the U.S. on the sixth night of protests sparked by the death in police custody of African-American George Floyd.
Curfews have been imposed in nearly 40 cities, but people have largely ignored them, leading to tense stand-offs between riot police, law enforcement and protesters.
Kim Ji-yeon reports.
Protests have spread to over 140 cities across the U.S. after George Floyd, a black man, was killed in police custody in Minneapolis on Memorial Day.
A video showing police restraining Floyd... with one officer's knee pressed on his neck... has sparked outrage against police brutality.
Some 40 cities issued night curfews... after buildings were burned and businesses were looted.
But that didn't stop protests in Washington DC, New York City and Los Angeles... which were filled with late night mass demonstrations.
At least five people have been killed during the near one-week long protests that have seen rubber bullets, pepper pellets and tear gas fired by authorities.
The Associated Press reported that police arrested around 41-hundred people in U.S. cities over the weekend.
At least 15 states have mobilized the National Guard... while some five-thousand soldiers have been dispatched to demonstration sites with two thousand more on standby.
One protester in the city of Minneapolis where Floyd died... says there has been a buildup of anger among communities after numerous black people were killed by police officers.
"What has happened is that, since then there has been a lot of anger, rage, there's been a lot of officers that haven't been fired from their jobs, that haven't been charged with these murders."
CNN reported U.S. President Donald Trump, the First Lady and the president's son Barron were taken to an underground bunker by Secret Service agents for about an hour last Friday... as protesters rallied near the White House.
Kim Ji-yeon, Arirang News.