Small screen star Kamya Punjabi is in her happy place after getting married to Shalabh Dang last year. Ever since their marriage the lovely couple has been sharing their adorable moments along with their children. Recently, Kamya shared a fun video im which Shalab and kids are seen having fun while car wash, after her video went viral netizens have been slamming her for wasting time amid such critical situation. Many claimed she's teaching wrong things to children, while other accused her for not caring about shortage of water. This is not the first time Kamya has come under netzens radar but every time she gives a befitting reply to the trollers, and i the latest case Kamya has perfect answer for people slamming her, ahe wrote, 'Bhaiyoo aur behno, 2 bucket paani meh 2 bachhe aur ek gaadi ne naah liya, ab karo hisaab yeh nuksaan hua ya bachat hui ? Hisaab aaye naa aaye ek kaam zaroor kar lena, ghar par baithna aur desh ko bachana! Namaste!' Well that's a one good way to hit back at people who speak up without knowing background of the whole scenario. Meanwhile the actor is having a great time amid coronavirus lockdown and making the most of her time with her family.