Coronavirus lockdown doesn't seems to end and people are getting impatient day by day. While many are trying hard to find work Bollywood star Amitabh Bachchan shot a promo for the upcoming season of Kaun Banega Crorepati. However fans are not happy with the news as everyone blamed Big B for breaking social distancing rule. Apparently the Don star stand by it's decision and hits back at people lashing out on him. In blog post Amitabh clarified how carefully and with minimal help they shot the video, he wrote, "So yes I worked .. got a problem with that .. keep it to yourself then .. damned if you pour it out here in this locked in condition .. sufficient precaution as much that could be taken was taken .. and what had been scheduled for 2 days , was completed in one day .. starting 6pm .. ending a short while NOW … !!" People also concern how will they shoot episodes as growing cases of Coronavirus has stopped every major productions, to which he simply stated, "Personal gratifications to the many that ask .. and then the KBC pile of several.. in all about 10 to 12 videos and then hours of audio recordings .. also for the same , KBC .. and the speculation as to how they shall conduct it .. there have been no definite answers for that .. but the authority hopes well and long .. so .."