In just 2 days, India has lost two megastars of Bollywood. People are mourning the demise of Irrfan Khan and Rishi Kapoor. The duo once shared the screen in 2013 film D-Day. It was an action thriller film also starring Arjun Rampal, Huma Qureshi and Shruti Haasan. In an interview during that time, Irrfan was all praises of legendary actor Rishi Kapoor. He had said, “My cousin is his ultimate fan, though I have watched all his movies. I never thought I had it in me to be a Rishi Kapoor. He is hot liquid. He has worked on cultivating his craft so well and he is one of those stars you never have enough of, even if he is doing the same thing, movie after movie. I think that’s what makes his second innings so spectacular. He doesn’t have to be a star anymore, so he is having a blast being an actor.” Pictures of Rishi Kapoor and Irrfan Khan from that film are going viral on social media right now. The world will surely miss them forever!