Discovery of 300 dead bats triggers coronavirus panic in northern India

2020-05-28 1

The discovery of at least 300 bats found dead in an orchard triggered a coronavirus panic among locals in northern India's Uttar Pradesh state.

The incident took place at a garden in Belghat village of rural Gorakhpur on May 25.

According to reports, carcasses were strewn on the ground and were first spotted by locals.

Following this, the police officials and forest department officials rushed to the spot to transport the bodies out of the place.

The villagers were apprehensive as bats have been linked to the novel coronavirus pandemic, but officials said that at first inspection the animals potentially died due to excessive heat, or from consumption of insecticides.

An intense heatwave is currently sweeping northern India with the mercury crossing 45 degrees Celsius mark in many areas.

A brick kiln is also located close to the orchard and its pollution may have also caused the bats' deaths.

The officials added that the carcasses would be sent to Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI) in Bareilly for autopsy.

They have also asked the villagers not to spread any rumours about coronavirus disease until the post-mortem report arrives.