Minneapolis police fire flash grenades and rubber bullets at protest over George Floyd's death

2020-05-27 209

Protesters took to the streets of Minneapolis on Tuesday (May 26), the day after a black man died in police custody.

George Floyd, 46, died after being detained by four Minneapolis police officers.

Video of the incident shows a Minneapolis police officer kneeling on George Floyd's neck as he lay on the ground handcuffed.

As demonstrations went on throughout the evening and into the night of May 26, police officers close to E Lake St and 26th Ave S were using an array of methods to disperse protesters, including flash grenades and rubber bullets.

Footage captured by Shanae Alkordi shows protesters and police officers amid traffic as flash grenades are seen and heard being let off.

Alkordi told Newsflare: "I think the people of my community are heartbroken and appalled at what happened here yesterday to George Floyd.

"Yet again, police officers abused their authority and power, negligently responded to a situation that could have been handled in a professional and courteous manner, and now another innocent man has paid the ultimate price for it.

"The general sentiment here, in my opinion, is termination for these actions is simply not enough and the people want to see these men prosecuted for their atrocities.

"I would have to say after watching thousands of people march in solidarity down our streets that the people here are just downright angry, and we have every right to be.

"I would like to consider myself an active participant in the protest simply by being there, but I did not participate in any throwing of rocks or looting.

"I was there from before the time the cops showed up until the crowd began to disperse, probably 3.5 hours total.

"I personally think this protest got out of hand, it was a very frightening environment.

"But then again, so is America for black citizens, who live with this fear day in and day out.

"Standing out there in the pouring rain made it feel like even the sky was crying with us, and we won’t soon forget what’s happened here."