Everybody hates Chris: Anime Edition

2020-05-26 13

This video is on Dailymotion because it got blocked by a company on YouTube

In the alternative universe, Chris (Aka, Christine) was the best Tekken player in her school, and she was loved by everyone except for 3 people... Which will be seen in the video.

Chris: TrinaDeuhart
MAN_HUNTER_TR: etherealfirefly
Man Hunter’s Underling 1: A-Kun
Man Hunter’s Underling 2: BrookeMorganVA
Background Char 1: Asome
Background Char 2: KusoOverlord

This idea was requested by Asome, a good friend of mine. Also, since people on twitter want me to do anime skits every 2 weeks, I will be taking requests on what short anime clip you want me to make an anime skit out of. (Make sure the story synopsis is either Tekken or FGC related as my channel is a Tekken channel after all. And make sure the scene isn't any longer than 5 mins unless you wanna turn that request into a collab.)
One more thing, I'm still looking for voice actors and actresses (Preferably voice actresses since I mainly use scenes that have anime girls on there). So if you guys are watching and wanna bring your voice into my videos, add KusoOverlord #6969 on discord and we'll discuss about a project I have in mind for you.
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