A tribute to all Unsung Heroes ♂️(Corona Warriors) of Covid-19 around the world.
Because of CoronaVirus Pandemic, our lives have been devastated. But due to the prevention measures we all have taken, the spirit of a fight with the virus and living a life is alive.
This video is dedicated to You. Everyone who has taken part in the fight with the Covid-19 situation.
"You" - Who wore a mask to stop the spread.
"You" - Who maintained the Social Distance.
"You" - Who helped the Front line Fighters
"You" - Who stayed at Home.
You are the HERO.
Every single human being is a HERO (Corona Warrior) in the fight with Corona.
Thank You.
Time Stamp: ⏱️
What is this Video About? 00:03
Staying At Home 00:08
Social Distance 00:13
Wearing Masks 00:18
Saving Lives 00:25
Front-line Fighters 00:32
Every one is a Covid Hero: 00:37
Video on Youtube ⏩ : https://youtu.be/GrfkrDOvIYc
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Instagram: @_sleepyowls_
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