Oops! Former Swedish Health Chief Says No-Lockdown Policy 'Hasn't Been The Smartest'

2020-05-21 77

Sweden's lockdown-free strategy to combat the spread of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic is a global outlier.
Business Insider reports the Nordic country has a soaring death rate, with many of the oldest, frailest people left vulnerable to catching the virus.
Former state epidemiologist Annika Linde says in hindsight, Sweden probably should have instituted a lockdown after all.
I think we're starting to see that the Swedish model maybe hasn't been the smartest in every respect. Annika Linde Former Swedish State Epidemiologist
Open letters signed by more than 2,000 Swedish scientists in April urged the country to reconsider a lockdown.
Instead, Swedes are simply urged to wash their hands frequently, stay home when sick, and generally use common sense.
Current Swedish state epidemiologist Anders Tegnell admits there are some shortcomings to approach.
The death toll really came as a surprise to us. We never really calculated with a high death toll initially, I must say. Anders Tegnell, Swedish State Epidemiologist Interview with Trevor Noah, 'The Daily Show'

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