'Two Sessions' looks to inject confidence into Chinese economy amid COVID-19 pandemic

2020-05-20 13

中, 오늘 '양회' 개막...코로나19 끝내고 경기 회복 본격 시동

After an enforced delay of more than two months,... Thursday marks the start of China's biggest political event of the year.
The so-called 'Two Sessions' is used to lay out Beijing's political, economic and military plans for 2020 in this era of COVID-19.
Lee Seung-jae reports.
Lianghui,... or simply the' Two Sessions',... refers to China's annual parliamentary meetings,... where the two main political bodies of China,... the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference reveal their plans for China's various policies going forward.
After weeks of delays,... the event kicks off Thursday,... with the focus on China's post-COVID-19 economy and its continued fight against the virus.
"The CPPCC National Committee attaches great importance to the goal of coordinating epidemic control and economic and social development. They have been thoroughly assessing the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the economy.
Officials in Beijing see the holding of the 'Two Sessions' as a declaration of victory over the COVID-19 pandemic.
As the rest of the world, including the U.S., remain locked in an intense battle with the virus,... China has mostly regained stability.
To the Chinese government,... it's a sign of the country's strong economy.
"In general, China's social and economic development has maintained its stability. This means that China has demonstrated many of its economic advantages, including its massive scale, its strong resilience, enormous potential and space for maneuvering in times of adversity."
Watchers say the biggest focus will be on China's economic growth target for this year.
This is because it'll be an indicator of how quickly the Chinese economy will recover,... after its GDP slumped over six-percent in the first quarter.
Others expect a major stimulus package to be announced to relieve some of the economic impact of COVID-19.
Despite optimism China has won its war against the virus,... policymakers face a tough road ahead,... especially with the ongoing trade war with the U.S.,... and growing international calls for answers on the origins of the deadly virus and China's early handling of the outbreak.
Lee Seung-jae, Arirang News.

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