8 Useful Quarantine Cooking Tips

2020-05-20 14

8 Useful Quarantine
Cooking Tips With stay-at-home orders still
in place, many people have taken up cooking
as a means of saving money and passing time. Here are eight basic tips
to help you make the most
of quarantine cooking. 1. Try to separate your cooking into three
stages: preparation, cooking and finishing.
This will help improve your cooking flow. 2. Heat your pan before you start cooking.
This will help prevent food from sticking. 3. Make sure your knives are sharp
for fast, efficient chopping. 4. Adjust the seasoning in a recipe to
match your tastebuds. Start small,
because you can always add more. 5. If you’re having space issues in your
fridge, prep meals ahead of time. It’s easier
to store cooked foods than raw ones. 6. If you decide to freeze food so it
lasts even longer, make sure to label it
with the date and contents. 7. Washing your pots and pans right
after cooking will save you from having
to scrub dried food later. 8. Make a homemade stock out of
leftover vegetables and save
meat trimmings for use in a different recipe.