North Carolina woman finds HUGE hissing snake beside her bed

2020-05-20 2

This is the horrifying moment a woman found a HUGE hissing snake beside her bed.

Claire, a woman in Apex, North Carolina, arrived home one afternoon to an unwelcome visitor... a long black rat snake slithering in the corner of her room.

Claire told Newsflare: "A few years ago, my husband and I had just gotten back from a trip. I was tired and while he was showering, so I decided to take a nap.

"When I looked at the bed, I saw what looked like a snake but it was super dark so I turned the lights on just to make sure that it wasn’t... I knew there was no way that was even possible, but being the paranoid person that I am, I decided to check anyway.

"Thank goodness I did! It was a massive black rat snake that had somehow gotten into our basement apartment. We ended up trapping it after a lot of coaxing, sweat, and tears, and letting it go outside. We moved shortly after!"

The unnerving clip from October 2017 went viral for the first time in May 2020 after it was posted on TikTok, where it boasts over 7.1 million views.

Rat snakes are commonly four to six feet long and nonvenomous.