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President Moon to include green initiatives in 'Korean New Deal'

2020-05-20 18

문 대통령 "그린 뉴딜, 한국판 뉴딜에 포함"…3차 추경에 반영

President Moon Jae-in is looking to include green initiatives as part of a wider "Korean New Deal".
The top office on Wednesday quoted Moon as saying that a green new deal was the way to go... amid growing calls from the international community and civic groups.
Moon has stressed the need for a Korean New Deal focusing on the digital sector to prepare for the post-COVID-19 economy.
After receiving a joint report on green projects from related ministries last week,... he said that it's necessary to lay out a grand plan combining green initiatives and digital infrastructure.
The top office said that specific projects will be unveiled by June,... and will be reflected in the country's third extra budget.