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PM Chung holds dialogue with business and labor union leaders on employment crisis caused by COVID-19

2020-05-20 15

정총리 주재 노사정대화 첫발…"조직 아닌 국민 위해"

Hosted by South Korean Prime Minister Chung Sye-kyun, the government, business leaders and labor unions launched a trilateral dialogue channel on Wednesday....for ways to overcome the employment crisis caused by COVID-19.
"Its unavoidable that the three parties have different opinions but nothing can be achieved if each party only forces theirs onto others. I urge you to accept the differences and focus on coming up with solutions."
This is the first time since the 1998 IMF crisis that two mainstream labor unions, corporate leaders and the government had established dialogue of this kind.
The Prime Minister added that he hopes the dialogue continues for the good of all involved and helps to build trust.