Seated Waiter's Bent Press IVANKO 75lb Plate

2020-05-16 2

Just fallen in love with Seated Bent Waiter's Pressing!! It just amazing to see how MUCH one side can twist and bend so easily compared to the other!! I am excited to see how much l can bring improve my left side's twisting ability. How poor that's side's ability is shows up when trying to lift with my right hand: it feels like trying to push through a wall. The left hand goes overhead so easily because the right side's twisting muscles are strong and pliable. This is an @ivankobarbell 75lb plate l am putting overhead. This seated version DEMANDS you twist and pull yourself down with the Lat & Obliques on the non weighted side. It was amazing the Lat cramps l was getting!! Also, the Medial to outer Rear Delts got HAMMERED doing these. If you try them and, l recommend STRONGLY you do, start light and focus on twisting around as you pull yourself down to help get the arm straight. Don't be surprised if 10lb is difficult. Anticipate one side being much easier than the other. I end with the harder side so, the message to change is loud & clear. Even if you get the arm straight right away, STILL try to turn & pull your torso as deep as possible with the muscles on the other side. Hope this helps and makes a bit sense!! God Bless!