JALALI SALMA। জালালী সালমার । বিচ্ছেদ জালা । জালালী সালমা,আমি বন্ধুর, প্রেম আগুনে পুরা,সুপারস্টার,গান,jalali salma,ami bondhur, Prem agune Pura

2020-05-15 46

Song - Bicched Jhala.
Singer - Jalali Salma.
Lyric & Tune - Shah Yaor Miah.
Studio Recorded - Tansur Media.
Singer Jalali Salma singing in a studio called Tansur Media which was hired by me, the singer and the musicians, cameraman all was paid by me to record my own lyrics songs by singer Jalali Salma. I have full right of this video to upload. This is my original content. It is an offence to copy my content. Dont copy it. Thanks for watching.
I have uploaded the song with the permission of the singer and the concert authority members.
I would like to thank and send my kindest regards to the YouTube authorities and those associated for giving the opportunity to a small content creator such as myself. Through their wonderful platform, I am able to present and distribute our beautiful culture to the viewing audience around the world.

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