Cats Can Spread Coronavirus Among Each Other, Study Reveals

2020-05-15 18

Cats Can Spread Coronavirus
Among Each Other, Study Reveals The analysis was done by scientists from
the University of Wisconsin and headed
by virus expert Yoshihiro Kawaoka. Researchers infected three cats with coronavirus
and then housed them with healthy ones. Over a few days, the healthy cats
came down with the virus as well. None of the felines showed any
harmful symptoms, including high fevers. The team also found that just three days after being
infected, the cats no longer had the coronavirus. According to experts, there is no proof that
COVID-19's spread has been assisted by cats. The study's researchers say more information
is needed to see how cats can contract
and transmit the virus. Late last month, two felines in New York
were identified to be carrying the coronavirus. According to CNN Health, both
only had mild cases and should recover. At NYC's Bronx Zoo, eight lions and tigers
were also diagnosed with COVID-19. As of late April, the zoo says that the
animals were eating and behaving normally. Guidelines from the CDC say that house cats
should be kept indoors as much as possible.