Global COVID-19 death toll surpasses 300,000; spike in cases in U.S., UK, Russia

2020-05-14 11

전세계 코로나19 사망자 30만 돌파... 유럽•미국 등지서 봉쇄조치 점점 완화

The coronavirus has now killed over 300-thousand people worldwide.
Cases are surging in the U.S. and some European countries, but they're working to ease lockdowns, open their borders and restart public facilities.
Oh Jung-hee reports.
The global COVID-19 death toll surpassed 300-thousand on Thursday.
According to Worldometer, the number of confirmed cases around the world now tops 4-point-5 million.
302-thousand people have died and almost 1-point-7 million people have recovered.
The U.S. and UK have the largest number of reported deaths, with 86-thousand and 33-thousand, respectively, followed by Italy, Spain and France.
One-thousand-3-hundred new deaths were reported in the U.S. on Thursday and over 400 in UK and Brazil.
The virus is rapidly spreading in Russia -- confirmed cases spiked by almost 10-thousand in a single day on Thursday.
Italy also saw the biggest rise of cases and deaths in the past seven days.
COVID-19's fatality rate in Italy stands at 14-percent.
On the African continent, total cases have topped 70-thousand... and nearly 25-hundred people have died.

However, as countries see fewer daily new cases, a number of them are looking to ease lockdowns.
The EU has unveiled plans for a phased reopening of borders to restart tourism this summer.
The continued lockdowns have had a significant impact on the sector,... with airlines around the continent forced to lay off tens of thousands of workers.
Tourism accounts for ten percent of the EU's GDP and twelve percent of the region's jobs.
Markets, museums and zoos in Belgium will be allowed to operate from next week.
And Italy has announced quarantine measures to reopen beaches in time for the summer.
By Friday, at least 48 states in the U.S. will be partially running, as states lift stay-at-home restrictions.
Oh Jung-hee, Arirang News.

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