Coronavirus: Hospital staff in Dorset, UK show support for Clap for Carers

2020-05-14 491

More than 300,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been recorded around the world, according to a US university.

Researchers at John Hopkins University also say there have been more than 4.4 million confirmed cases.

The nations with the highest death tolls currently are the US (more than 85,000) followed by the UK's death toll of 33,614 and Italy, with 31,368.

Video filmed on Thursday (May 14) shows staff at Dorset County Hospital in Dorchester in southwest England turn out to support Clap for Carers as local residents near the hospital come to their doors to show their support during the pandemic. It was the eighth Thursday running that people in the UK had come out to show their gratitude to key workers and health workers.