Multilateral cooperative COVID-19 group led by S. Korea launches via videoconference

2020-05-12 331

코로나19 대응 유엔 우호국그룹, 우리정부 주도로 출범…"강력한 글로벌 대응필요"

A multilateral cooperation body on joint COVID-19 response initiated by South Korea launched late Tuesday with its first videoconference.
Seoul's foreign ministry said some 200 professionals, part of UN groups scattered across 30 different countries went online for the inaugural conference.
It was jointly chaired by South Korea, Canada, Denmark, Sierra Leone and Qatar for the frank sharing of information on global health security.
South Korea's Foreign minister Kang Kyung-wha said she hoped the group will serve as an active channel for boosting cross-border cooperation,... and added she thinks the worst has passed for South Korea.
Seoul plans to launch two other groups with other member nations of the WHO and UNESCO later in May.

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