Predicting the winner of the USA election in 2020

2020-05-11 3

In the United states people are categorized in so many levels; the rich and the poor, Black and white, educated and the ignorant, smart people and stupid people... in so many levels. That is because 15 billionaires own almost all the news media so news is sparse, controlled and rarely complete. Of the 327,000,000 people living in the USA there are only 621 Billionaires and they control 95% of everything in the USA. Americans are like crabs living in a barrel: They simply do NOT know what they don't know. To many people, for example, the Covid-19 pandemic is a hoax. Why do they believe that? Their lerder suggests and act as if it is a Hoax: An anomaly to be used to make profits for friends and families. Based on those facts, I have simplified the method used to predict the election of 2020.