Critical note on 'Modernism' , a movement , which dominated the arts & culture of the first half --

2020-05-10 3

The entire gamut of English literature was deeply shaken by very few phenomena. Among them, “Modernism” is one of the best. For example:
----- The Norman Conquest in 1966
----- The Renaissance in the early 15th and 16th century
----- The Reformation in the same year
---- The Eighteenth-century Enlightenment
----- The Romanticism
Finally, ----- The Modernism
All these have a great influence on English literature. Out of these phenomena, which have their little influence on literature, art, and culture, modernism stands supreme although it comes late.
It has become such an important issue in terms of literature that there is no literature on the earth that is separated from modernism rather connected to it. The entire study of English literature will be found in “Modernism”. As it’s a concept, it should get our most attention.
What is Modernism?
Modernism does not necessarily mean anything which should be considered with time. So, modern time is not modernism. Modernism is more related to context than to time. It must be noticed that modernism is related to its subject matter, attitude, nature and scope, objective, outlook, tendency, and not its time span. It’s a matter of characteristics. If the features are modern, it is modernism, otherwise not. Any piece of modern literature can belong to Greek o-roman tradition or Chaucerian age. For example: “Hamlet”. Though it was written down in the Elizabethan period by William Shakespeare it’s a modern drama as it has many modern elements.
Modernism from different phases:
The First Phase :
The first phase begins with the introduction of the Renaissance where we see, they bade farewell to the middle and medieval ages (which was based upon religion and dogma) and welcomed the Renaissance based on science and technology. This can be treated as a part of modernism because this movement of "Re-birth" is regarded as the birth of the modern world. Out of the ashes of the Dark Ages, as the discovery of the world and the discovery of man as well as the era of untrammeled individualism in life, thought, religion and art.
The most important fact of the Renaissance is "Humanism" (to deal with a human). As the new processes were set in motion which gave a rude shock to the ideals and conceptions of the middle ages and there was new awakening in every sphere of life. So we can claim the first part of the Renaissance as the first phase of modernism.
The Second Phase :
The second phase of modernism begins with the introduction of the 18th-century enlightenment (the age of reason) was less a period of imaginative creation than one of criticism of the moral, social, political, and literary significance deficiencies the time. The fullest and finest technology of this age bloomed so much that the lifestyle of man was changed and they were gradually developing with a new concept. From this point of view, it can be claimed as the second phase of modernism.
The Third Phase :
So, we left behind the blood (the middle ages) and --