Google Lens New Feature: Now you can copy and paste handwritten notes to your Computer

2020-05-09 8

Did you know, Now You Can Copy And Paste Your Handwritten Notes On The Computer using Google Lens?

Guys. What if you need to copy the handwritten notes on to your system???

You would say it's not possible and utter that re-typing is the only way of pasting the text on to your screen.

Well.... If it is one page, then it's ok.
But what about if you could have bunch of the papers and bundles of pages???

You just need to do a night out or request your friends to help you!!!

But now on, all your worries are going to be cleared within a minute!!!
Yes you are listening it correctly.

The user-friendly tech giant Google has come up with a new feature for 'Google Lens' which will allow the users to copy their handwritten text to the computers.


Let's see how it works step by step