Morning Meditation for Energy Clearing, Protection, Gratitude, Mindfulness and Motivation - 4K Video

2020-05-08 1,061

Welcome to a brand-new day! This high quality guided meditation with 4k video imagery has been designed to help you begin your day with a renewed sense of purpose, energy and motivation.

#morningmeditation #energyclearing #gratitude

This recording begins by helping you to clear away any negative energy in your auric field. In shamanic healing a feather is often used to clear the aura of blocks and stuck energy, and when you imagine this it can have the same effect.

You will then be guided to imagine a white protective light around your auric field which will protect you from negative energy throughout your day. You will feel very safe and protected when you imagine this shield around you.

You can purchase the full version which includes 5, 10 and 15 minute versions here:

The 10 & 15 minute versions are also available within Glenn's Relax & Sleep Well app along with many more meditation and hypnosis sessions:



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