S. Korea's nat'l concert halls, theaters to resume performances this month

2020-05-06 7

'생활 속 거리두기' 전환에 국립 공연시설•예술단체 재가동

As South Korea shifts to 'distancing in daily life,' concert halls and theaters across the nation will begin to reopen for performances.
That includes the National Theater of Korea and the National Ballet Company.
Audiences will still have to observe basic quarantine rules: getting checked for symptoms and sitting one meter apart from one other.
They'll be encouraged to buy tickets online... and wear masks to the venues.
Meanwhile, to encourage kids to wash their hands thoroughly, the government is distributing sing-along liquip soap dispensers to children's museums and libraries.
When soap is dispensed, the tune "Wash Your Hands with Baby Shark" is played for 30 seconds.

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