This is the heartwarming moment a two-month-old baby who survived the coronavirus was applauded by nurses in the Philippines.
The baby boy was held by his father being pushed on a wheelchair out of the hospital grounds, where health workers were waiting to hold a mini celebration.
One medic gave the infant a large cake while two others held up a banner behind him proclaiming 'I am now covid free, to God be the glory'.
Medical technologist Marigae Krista Monilla captured the touching moment showing the region's youngest coronavirus survivor being discharged from the Mariveles District Hospital in Bataan province last Friday (May 1).
Marigae said: "Every patient healed is one way to be closer with our families. I see some hope every time we witness this kind of scene.''
The Philippines, one of the countries in SOutheast Asia worst hit by the Covid-19 pandemic, has recorded 9,485 cases and 623 deaths as of May 5.