Health Wellness Series - Healthy Life Tips - Episode 7 - Season 1

2020-05-04 2

Health Wellness Series - Healthy Life Tips - Episode 7 - Season 1,
31. Add onions and garlic to your tomato sauce. Such allium vegetables, which also include leeks and scallions, may help reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men who eat them frequently. Scallions seem to be the most protective.
32. Eat magnesium­rich foods: they may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a Swedish study. Good sources of magnesium include nuts, beans, some fish, whole grains, spinach, and other leafy greens, and dark chocolate.
33. When cooking hamburgers, don’t judge doneness by the color inside. Burgers that look brown in the center may not be cooked through and thus may be unsafe to eat. Cook burgers to an internal temperature of 160°F (71°C).
34. Choose dark salad greens. Romaine lettuce, for instance, not only has six times as much vitamin C and eight times as much beta carotene as iceberg lettuce but also has more than twice as much folate, a B vitamin that is especially important for women of child­bearing age. Spinach, watercress, arugula, and chicory are other nutritious salad greens.
35. Reconsider canned corn. The heat processing used to prepare canned corn actually boosts levels of antioxidants and other healthful phytochemicals in sweet corn. Heating corn, whether on the cob or in the can, has a similar effect. The same is true of carrots and tomatoes: processing and cooking make carotenoids in them, notably beta carotene and lycopene, more readily available.
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