UN Command to dispatch special investigation team to S. Korean guard post N. Korea shot on Sunday

2020-05-04 18

유엔사, 4일 북한군 총탄맞은 한국군 GP에 특별조사팀 파견... 정전협정 위반여부 결정

The UN Command Military Armistice Commission is to dispatch on Monday a special investigation team to the South Korean guard post that North Korea shot at just over 24 hours ago.
The team will determine whether such gunshots violate the two Koreas' armistice agreement.
At around 7:41 AM on Sunday, the North fired four gunshots toward a South Korean guard post in the Demilitarized Zone in Cheorwon County.
The South Korean military responded by firing warning shots... and broadcasting a warning.
Seoul also sent a statement demanding an explanation, but the North has not yet responded.
The South Korean military is investigating North Korea's motive... but says it's highly likely to be an accidental misfire.