Residents of stunning remote island curb fishing to protect marine life

2020-05-03 2

Residents of a village called Yenbuba on the remote Indonesian island of Mansuar have put in place new rules to protect the pristine oceans around them.

In an effort to preserve the diversity of fish and other marine life, locals have banned visitors entirely from fishing and everyone from fishing at dive and snorkelling sites.

"We agreed with all the villagers to ban anyone from doing fishing activities on our dive sites and also we conduct local patrols," said local Ruben Sauyai.

"This is a decision of local residents and for those who violate this rule there are strict sanctions on them," Sawiyai added.

Locals have placed signs on beaches to inform everyone of the new rules.

The villagers are concerned that fishing, especially illegal catches, could have an impact on the income the area generates from scuba diving.

This part of Raja Ampat district in West Papua province is thought to have some of the best underwater conditions in the world and is noted for its coral reefs and abundance of marine life.

Locals are hoping that the new measures will mean that once the coronavirus pandemic eases, tourists will find the dive sites of this remote area even more beautiful than before.