S. Korea to relax social distancing from Wednesday

2020-05-03 79

생활속 거리두기 6일부터 시작

South Korea's social distancing campaign has played a big role in getting the coronavirus outbreak under control, and now the country is about to take the next step toward getting back to normal.
The Prime Minister announced today that this coming week, social distancing will be eased, but he also warned people not to let their guard down.
Our Kim Do-yeon has the details.
South Korean Prime Minster Chung Sye-kyun said, starting Wednesday, the country is going to move on to the next stage of the fight against COVID-19 by loosening its guidelines for social distancing to what's being called "distancing in daily life."

"From Wednesday the 6th, businesses that have been closed will start to gradually reopen while events and gatherings will also be allowed on the condition they follow the quarantine guidelines."

The Prime Minister said that analyses by government agencies show that there's still some risk, but the spread of the virus seems to have been largely contained.
He also said that this is thanks to the responsibility people have shown throughout the fight against COVID-19.
Along with the easing of restrictions, he said the Minister of Education will provide a detailed timeline for the opening of schools tomorrow.
He warned, however, that these steps do not mean everyone can go back to the way things were done before the outbreak.
South Korea has to take the risk of reopening because of the damage being done to the economy, and that risk is why he pleaded with citizens to continue their efforts.
The decision to reopen comes after 16 straight days when the number of new cases has been fewer than 20.
The country saw 13 new confirmed cases yesterday -- 10 of them from abroad -- bringing the total to 10-thousand 7-hundred-93.
No deaths were reported yesterday, but one was reported this morning, raising the total death toll to 251.
Kim Do-yeon, Arirang News

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