COVID-19 gripping the world: Russian PM tests positive for virus

2020-04-30 2

전 세계 코로나19 현황: 러시아 총리 감염 확진,.. 영국 총리 "코로나19 정점 지나"

The total number of COVID-19 cases worldwide has topped 3-point-2 million,... with deaths spiking above 231-thousand.
And... another big political name has tested positive.
Russian Prime Minister Mikhail (miss-huzz-tin) Mishustin said Thursday that he has the virus,... becoming the highest-ranking Russian official to have contracted COVID-19.
Russia now has over 100-thousand cases, after adding over 7-thousand new cases in a single day.
In the UK, the death toll has jumped to 26-thousand.
The country's Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who recently recovered from COVID-19, returned to the daily briefing on Thursday telling the British people that the country is "past the peak and on the downward slope."
In Asia,.... Japan is gearing up to extend its coronavirus emergency for another month,... from its original end date of May 6th.
Japan has confirmed around 15-thousand cases, and its death toll is approaching 500.

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