New Zealand Says Community Spreading of COVID-19 Has Been Stopped

2020-04-27 197

New Zealand Says Community Spreading
of COVID-19 Has Been Stopped Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern revealed the news
several weeks after the country issued a lockdown. According to data from Johns Hopkins, coronavirus
has killed 19 in New Zealand and infected 1,469. Jacinda Ardern, via
news briefing Over the last few days, Ardern added that
reported cases have been in the single digits. According to Gizmodo, New Zealand will move
to "level 3" of its lockdown phase this week. At this mark, limited social interactions are
allowed past one's personal household. Certain businesses will also reopen
for non-contact delivery or pickup. As will construction companies and other
types of work that can function without
the threat of community spreading. New Zealand will then stay there for two weeks before discussions begin whether or not to move to level 2. Gizmodo adds that level 2 is when businesses such as
gyms and hairdressers can reopen with safety rules. Jacinda Ardern,
via news briefing