삼성, 27일부터 37만원대 갤럭시 'A31' 사전판매•LG•애플 '중저가폰' 3파전
From today, Samsung Electronics is taking preorders for its new lower-priced smartphone model the Galaxy A31 which will officially go on sale next Thursday May 7th.
Preorders will be taken online,... including through the official homepage of Samsung Electronics.
The Galaxy A31 will retail for around 300 U.S. dollars.
The new model features four camera lens with ultra-high resolution.
The device's battery capacity is also higher than the Galaxy S-series.
Those who preorder on certain online shopping malls, 11Street and Coupang,... will get a 20 percent discount.
LG Electronics and Apple plan to launch their own new low-priced smartphone models in May.