K Project AMV - 'Circus' by Shaah & OmarCameUp (extended song)

2020-04-26 1

An animated music video I spliced together using K Project anime footage and the song "Circus" by Shaah and OmarCameUp, two awesome SoundCloud artist I have been listening to recently.

I feel this is still a work in progress but after spending a few hours with this one, I think I will share it now. I might re-release again if I find better quality footage or a better order or better scenes or after some really good feedback. But this isn't about being perfect, it's about practicing video editing. putting effort into something, and hoping to be delighted by the results (or at least learn something from it lol). I am really delighted by the results. I love how well the music and video match so closely without having to do too much editing (although this is something I really want to improve on). Plus, I am delighted that I was able to extend the song without it being too jarring, ~yay me!

This is just for hobby purposes, especially during these stay-at-home-times. I claim no ownership or rights to the song or video. I just enjoy being creative and love putting together music with visuals. Now if I was to get famous for being great at pairing music and visuals together (and get paid for it) and assist with soundtracks of films/graphics for music **cough cough . . . I did take a graduate level class on that precise topic . . . cough** (not a covid cough, but the cough of a subtle hint) . . . yea, that would be awesome . . . I'm allowed to dream big every once in a while . . .

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