low carb keto breakfast recipe bacon and egg cups - keto friendly breakfast egg cups

2020-04-26 1

This low carb keto breakfast recipe bacon and egg cups helps you burn fat throughtout the day.
Would you like to know exactly what to eat to lose fat and get healthy without giving up your favorite foods or starving yourself? https://bit.ly/3aUcxyo

Proven recipe categories that ensure you never have to eat a boring meal - ever, again https://bit.ly/2UpAAiO


Bacon and Egg Cups - these 3-Ingredient Bacon and Egg Cups are rich in protein and bound to keep you full for hours!

How to make this low carb keto breakfast recipe Bacon and Egg Cups:


18 slices of regular-cut bacon
6 Eggs
2 T chopped fresh parsley
Salt and pepper to taste


- Preheat the oven to 350°F and spray a six-cavity, large muffin pan with coconut oil
- Create a lattice for each egg cup by weaving three bacon slices together
- Press down into each muffin cavity so there are as little holes as possible
- Crack an egg into each cavity
- Bake for 25 to 30 minutes until the eggs are fully cooked
- Use a spoon tore move the bacon& egg cups from the muffin pan
- Garnish with freshly chopped parsley


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