China sends medical team to N. Korea possibly to tackle COVID-19: Asahi

2020-04-26 995

아사히 "中, 북한에 軍의료진 약50명 파견…코로나대응 협력 가능성"

Japan's Asahi Shimbun reports that China sent a medical team to North Korea last week,... though why and exactly when are still unclear.
The paper said Sunday that a team of around 50 medical experts from China's Hospital 301 were dispatched to North Korea last Thursday or earlier,... citing a Chinese Communist Party official.
The report said it's also not clear whether this has anything to do with the health of Kim Jong-un.
It noted, however, that treating just one person would not require those dozens of experts, so it could be that Pyeongyang and Beijing are working together to stop the coronavirus.

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