Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf vs. Gary Dell'Abate in Rock-n-Roll Trivia

2020-04-25 62

After Wack Packer Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf proved he knew a fact or two about rock music in 2001, Stern Show Executive Producer Gary Dell'Abate ...intro [hosted by Jason Ellis] 2:07 Robin vs. Gary – Ms. Quivers is pissed that she has to leave her booth for the KKK guy, Daniel Carver, for his on-air roast.

After Wack Packer Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf proved he knew a fact or two about rock music in 2001, Stern Show Executive Producer Gary Dell'Abate ...

Howard and his executive producer Gary compete in a head-to-head trivia contest in 1996. Watch more classic Stern Show clips on the SiriusXM app!

Beetlejuice Vs Hank on Howard Stern.

This video details the death of Howard Stern personality Hank The Angry Drunken Dwarf!