COVID-19 deaths in U.S. surpass 50,000, Italy sees 3,000 new cases daily

2020-04-25 63

美 코로나19 사망자 5만명 넘어...이탈리아 아직도 하루 3천명씩 확진자 발생

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to grip the world, with the total number of infected patients topping 2-point-8 million, and fatalities nearing 198 thousand globally.
The U.S. remains the worst hit with more than 925-thousand cases, with its death toll surpassing 50-thousand on Friday local time.
Over in Italy, which has been on lockdown for the past 40 days, the country is still seeing around two to three thousand new cases every day, with the total reaching nearly 193 thousand infections and 26 thousand deaths.
Meanwhile, Japan saw more than 4-hundred additional cases for the third straight day on Friday, with its total surpassing 13-thousand 5-hundred.

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