Group of African refugees make 'cheer-up' kits for Korean medical workers

2020-04-20 10

확진자 수 감소해도 마음 나누기는 계속된다... 난민의 의료진 응원 키트 제작

Even though the number of confirmed COVID-19 patients in South Korea has been on the sharp decline for days now,… medical staff in the country are still working hard to fight the virus. Recognizing their hard work,.. some good-hearted people in South Korea are doing what they can to show their gratitude.
Kim Bo-kyoung went to meet them and files this report.
A group of African refugees, mainly from the Congolese community, have gathered together to pack these 'cheer-up' kits.
The kits, which include snacks and instant rice products, will be sent to medical workers.
The refugees have made 30 kits, and said they wanted to give something back after all the love they have received in Korea.
"Korea is our second country. We are living here and it cannot be fair when my fellow members are in trouble in difficult period I am not taking care of them."
Some of them said that although they couldn't give much, they are still happy to share what they can.
“After packing the so-called ‘cheer-up’ kits for medical workers who are still taking care of coronavirus patients,… the refugees wrote them letters to show their gratitude.”
"To all medical staff, they are really our true heroes and they are really doing much to fight this pandemic and we just wanted to encourage them, they have to know that they are in our prayers that we always pray for them to be strong, not to get infected so that we can all fight together this pandemic."

The refugees gave the kits to the Korea Red Cross so that they could be sent to medical workers, and also donated some money to help the charity.
And they aren't the only ones showing gratitude.
Patients who have fully recovered have sent snacks and letters to medical staff, and citizens in Gyeongsangbuk-do Province have sent letters to the local Red Cross to show their appreciation for the charity's work.
KIM Bo-kyoung, Arirang News.