When the dust settles from other people’s unrealistic expectations of us, we as business professionals simply have to look within and really just give ourselves the permission to grow. This realization is especially on-point for lawyers in private practice. Many lawyers just don’t give themselves the permission to grow their practice, and sometimes they have decent reasons for why they can’t make time for business development and how they are so busy with other things.
But with deeper introspection, it really just comes down to procrastination. Oftentimes, business development is framed as an uninspiring exercise in sales and marketing. While that might be kind of true, business development is also an exercise in using your legal skills to help more people. If you’re interested in helping more people, then you’re interested in business development. Here’s an interesting strategy: Set your business development goals periodically based on the number of people that you’d like to help. Thank you.
Chuki Law - https://chukilaw.com