PPE shortage at California medical center forces nurses to re-use 'nearly everything'

2020-04-20 78

Nurses and other medical staff from West Anaheim Medical Center in California, USA have had to re-use nearly all of their personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Footage shows a nurse use a technique that helps the N95 protective masks last longer as supplies for all PPE have depleted, despite some US states re-opening.

The nurse who didn't want to be named said: "We use masks as long as we can, about a week or so maybe as long as it is not soiled or damaged, I work at West Anaheim Medical Center.

"They do try to replace the mask once it is soiled or if we need it but because of shortage, we nurses felt it’s our job and our responsibility now to prolong the usability of our mask and our other supplies.

"Whenever we need a mask, there is a list that we have to put our names on if we already took one for the day.

"My co-worker provided us with this plastic container to help store our N95s so we can re-use them longer and taught us this technique to avoid touching the contaminated area.

"We are re-using N95s, bunny suit, hairnets, surgical mask, disposable yellow gowns, almost everything, but our spirits are up because we have an amazing team.

"Food and laughter can really help overcome this situation."

California has seen over 3000 people be admitted to hospital who are suffering from coronavirus.

The video is captioned: "America is re-opening and we're still re-opening".