What Do You Do If You Need To Re-Use A Dirty Face Mask?

2020-04-18 12

The CDC has advised Americans to wear masks when outdoors and in public. But how do you dispose of them safely?
According to Allure, surgical masks are designed to be disposable. However, it's well known they're in short supply.
Since studies haven’t confirmed if it’s at all possible to safely wash surgical masks so they remain effective, don't try to wash and dry them at home.
If you have to re-use, leave it stored in a container in the contaminated area for 72 hours. Let some air circulate to help it dry, and perhaps inactivate any viruses.
If you can dispose of it, fold it in half to contain secretions on the inside, then put it in a plastic bag or rolling it up in a tissue before throwing it away.
But don't throw a used mask into a trash can without a lid.
Preliminary data suggests that COVID-19 virus could remain viable on surfaces for up to three days, depending on the surface material.