Hotel relay race gains new life online as quarantined masses look for entertainment amid coronavirus crackdown

2020-04-17 2

On May 12, 2018, when several track teams stayed at a hotel in Austin, Texas, the boredom and anticipation of running in a major meet got to the kids staying at the hotel so they held an ingenious relay race across the various floors of the hotel.

Flash forward two years to 2020, the year of the coronavirus outbreak, and the bored, quarantined masses have discovered this video and found it inspirational.

While the video only had 300,000 views as of last week, it had over 2 million views as of Friday (April 17).

"We have to do this during this lockdown!" said one comment on social media.

"It's crazy how people are taking to it," said Antwuane Johnson, who filmed the relay race in 2018, in an exclusive interview with Newsflare.

"We're all cooped up, going crazy. but honestly I'm good. I'm glad people found this [video] and got something out of it," said Johnson.