Glassharmonica & quartet / Mozart Adagio K.617-Thomas Bloch

2008-12-23 2

Complete first movement (Adagio) from the famous Mozart "Adagio und Rondo" K.617 for Glassharmonica and Quartet by Thomas Bloch (Glassharmonica), Philippe Bernold (Flute), Alexandre Gattet (Oboe), Francoise Gneri (Viola) and Xavier Phillips (Cello) on a French TV program ("La boîte à musique de Jean-François Zygel"). This is the last chamber music work composed by Mozart in May 1791. The French multi-instrumentalist virtuoso Thomas Bloch (Glassharmonica, Ondes Martenot, Cristal Baschet) has also recorded this piece for the Milos Forman movie "Amadeus" soundtrack. August 4, 2006.

Thomas Bloch informations :
Jean-François Zygel informations :çois_zygel

Other names : armonica de verre (France), Armonica de vidro, orgue de verre (France, Belgium), crystal harmonica, crystal armonica, glass organ, crystal organ, Armónica de cristal (Spain), Armonica a bicchieri (Italian), glasharmonika (Germany, Denmark, Sweden), glassharmonika (Norway), Harmonika szklana (Poland), close instruments : glass harp, glassharfe, glass harfe, harpe de verre, verrophon, verrophone, seraphim, verres musicaux, musical glasses