S. Korea reports 22 new cases of COVID-19 on Thursday; death toll up 4 to 229

2020-04-16 12

국내 코로나19 신규확진 22명...해외유입 11명, 지역발생 11명

South Korea reported 22 more cases of COVID-19 on Thursday, …the fourth day in a row there have been fewer than 30 cases.
The number has been under 50 now for an eighth straight day.
Total infections in South Korea now stand at ten-thousand-six-hundred-13.
Of the new cases reported on Thursday, …eleven were imported …with four detected at quarantine checkpoints and another four in the capital area.
The country reported four more deaths, …raising the death toll to two-hundred-29.
The total number of people who have recovered is now seven-thousand-seven-hundred-57, …with the country's recovery rate at 73 percent.