COVID-19 wordwide; New Yorkers must wear masks while Europe considers easing containment measures

2020-04-15 24

뉴욕 시민들 마스크 써야... 이탈리아 코로나 신규확진 2,667명, 한달 여 만 최저

Over 2 million cases.
Over 133-thousand deaths.
That's the global picture of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.
The U.S. remains the hardest-hit and especially New York.
Europe is still suffering but some countries are preparing for a steady return to normality.
Our Kim Bo-kyoung tells us more.
The total number of confirmed COVID-19 cases globally has surpassed two-million,... and the U.S. is the hardest-hit country with almost 620-thousand cases.
This according to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University.
With New York being the epicenter,... New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo has issued an executive order, saying all New Yorkers must wear face masks in public when not social distancing.
Europe still accounts for around half the cases,... yet a handful of countries there are slowly lifting lockdowns as the curve flattens.
Italy once the epicenter of the virus worldwide on Wednesday saw its lowest number of new daily cases in a month, confirming around 26-hundred cases.
The containment measures that banned movement in the country and ordered non-essential businesses to halt are due to last at least until May 3rd,... but the government is reportedly considering easing these measures.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Wednesday that the country is having 'fragile intermediate success',... and that although it's going to have social distancing rules stay in place until at least May 3, some shops with good hygiene could reopen next week.
"What we have achieved is an intermediate success, no more and no less. The factors determining this success are moving in the right direction but we do not have a lot of room for maneuver. We must keep focused and keep going."
Yet she emphasized citizens to keep 1-point-5 meter of distance between each other, to stay alone in public ,... and recommended that they have their protective face masks on when on public transport or in shops.
KIM Bo-kyoung, Arirang News.